Friday, December 18, 2009

The Opium Wars

The Opium war was during the Imperialism in China. The western Europeans were still exploring places, trying to find new resources. In China, they've found tea. The British only had one port in China. The British didn't like it, so they decided to trade Opium to the Chinese people for their tea. The people in China realized that it was a dangerous drug and they make it illegaly, and whoever uses it could die as a result.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Mountains of the moon

Some of the hardships that the europeans faced in africa is mostly diseases.  They faced diseases like malaria, this disease is contracted by mosquitoes. The europeans were not used to having mosquitoes around them. Them also faced bugs crawling into the ear and nose canal. They were not used to these conditions and got very sick. The Nile river was named after the queen because the explorers who found the river named it after there queen because they were from England. The europeans were able to conquer africa so easily because of the technology that they had. For example they had weapons, and the africans had nothing but spears. The europeans had machine guns and many troops that were very strong so it was very easy for them to conquer Africa.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Imperialism Project

In the imperialism project we had to label where all the goods came from, and then we had to color in all the country's that got controlled by the bigger country's.  Like Great Britan, Italy, Germany, Spain, France, and Belgum.