Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Ghandi Film

Ghandi helped India gain independence from Great Britain by boycotting, which means to stop doing buying, selling, or dealing someting. Ghandi and his people protested in a nonviolence way by doing this it will make the British look bad because they didnt fight back but took the abuse. He told his people to stop buying clothes because they were the one picking the cotton to make it and it was going to Britain to be made into clothes sell back to the Indians.He stops this by telling people to start weaving their own cloths. He would spend two hours a day spinning his own clothes. The other thing he did was starve himself when his people would try to fight back. He also went on a salt march to the sea to make his own salt because the British would make salt and sell it to the Indian people. By doing this Britain would lose a lot of money and it was a problem for them so the give them indecencies.

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